Bohdan Harasymiw. War in Ukraine: Undeclared, Unacknowledged, and Unabated

Bohdan HarasymiwCIUS Seminar Series

Bohdan Harasymiw

Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Calgary,
and Acting Coordinator,
Centre for Political and Regional Studies at CIUS


Is the dream of Ukrainian sovereignty—resuscitated most recently in 2014—about to be permanently extinguished? Is the undeclared war in eastern Ukraine the last gasp? The answer depends on uncovering the true nature of the conflict going on there. Some are calling it a “civil war,” while others see it as outright invasion. Still others look for clues in the mind and strategies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. A clearer understanding of the nature of present-day warfare provides a basis for anticipating how this conflict is liable to unfold in the coming year.

Ukraine soldiers

Bohdan Harasymiw is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Calgary, and Acting Coordinator, Centre for Political and Regional Studies at CIUS. After completing his doctorate at the University of Toronto, Dr. Harasymiw joined the University of Calgary in 1969, where he continued teaching until his retirement in 2005. In
2002, his book, Post-Communist Ukraine, was published by CIUS Press.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015, 3:00 p.m.
1-15 Humanities Centre, University of Alberta

Forum for Ukrainian Studies

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