CIUS to Hold Euromaidan Anniversary Symposium


10 February 2015— In the course of the Euromaidan revolution and the subsequent military conflict with separatists and the Russian army in Donbas in 2013‒15, thousands of people—military and civilian—have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced. The ongoing conflict also has repercussions for the European Union, the United States, Canada, and the United Nations with its role of promoting peace, security, and human welfare.

On 9‒11 March 2015, the Centre for Political and Regional Studies at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, is holding a symposium on the anniversary of the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine. Scholars and journalists will present papers on various aspects of the event and its myriad consequences, such as the annexation of Crimea by Russia, the separatist uprising in Donbas, government anti-terrorist operations, national and rebel elections, the displacement of civilians, and economic and geopolitical ramifications. The gathering provides an opportunity for expert analysis of this historic event and an opportunity for broader discussion involving the public, media and government on the significance of the Euromaidan revolution.

Among those presenting their papers are:

  • Marta Dyczok, Western University, London, Ontario, “Media Representations and Their Impact”;
  • Volodymyr Kulyk, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, Kyiv, “Influence of the Maidan and the War on National Identity”;
  • Vladyslav Hrynevych, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, Kyiv, “Russia versus Ukraine: Conflicting Historical Memory as Part of the Military-Political Conflict”;
  • Bohdan Kordan, St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan, “Maidan: Origins, Meaning and Other Questions”;
  • Taras Kuzio, CIUS, U of A, “Violence, Criminality and Russian and Eurasian Nationalism: What does the Legacy of the Yanukovych Regime Tell Us about Ukrainian and Russian Politics?” and
  • Mychailo Wynnyckyj, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy National University, “The Maidan as a ‘Triple Revolution’: National, Bourgeois and Post-modern.”

A round table on “Maidan 2004 versus Euromaidan 2014: Assessing Influence and Continuity” will be held with the participation of David Marples, U of A; Robert Murray, Centre for Public Policy and U of A; Larissa Blavatska, retired diplomat, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; Lubomyr Markevych, Project Manager for the European Commission, formerly for United Nations Office of Project Services; Michael Bociurkiw, OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine; and Mustafa Nayyem, Ukrainian journalist and MP. The round table will be followed by a book launch, namely: Ukraine’s Euromaidan: Analyses of a Civil Revolution, edited by David R. Marples and Frederick V. Mills. Stuttgart: ibidem Verlag, 2015, 285 pp.

This event will be held in the Education Building South, Room 3-80 at the U of A main campus.

All are welcome. Admission is free.

If you would like to register in advance or support the symposium with a donation, contact, or call 780-492-2972.

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