Volodymyr Kravchenko
Dr. Volodymyr Kravchenko
Director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
University of Alberta
About Dr. Volodymyr Kravchenko
Doctor of Sciences in History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) (1997)
Candidate of Sciences in History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) (1986)
Diploma with distinction of Higher Education, Kharkiv State University, Faculty of History, Department of the History of Ukraine(1980)
Expertise & Research Interests
- Ukraine
- Russian Empire (XIX – beg. XX centuries)
- History of Historical Writing (XVIII-XX centuries)
- Regional and Border studies
- History of the University Education (XIX-XX centuries)
Selected publications
(A representative sample of a full bibliography of over 150 publications. Complete bibliography available on request.)
To be published:
- Ukraine: History Confronts Geography –in: Ilkka Liikanen, James W. Scott, Tiina Sotkasiira, Eds.,The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability (BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies).
Recently published:
- Ukraine and Russia: In search of a divergent future, Cicero Foundation, Great Debate Paper, No. 15/06 August 2015, http://www.cicerofoundation.org/lectures/Volodymyr_Kravchenko_Ukraine_and_Russia.pdf
- “Ukrainian Historical Writing in North America during the Cold War”, – East and Central European History Writing in Exile 1939-1989, Ed. by Maria Zadencka, Andrejs Plakans & Andreas Lawaty. Brill/Rodopi, 2015, pp. 93-119.
- Ukraine faces its Soviet past: history vs. policy vs. memory – Mass Dictatorship and Memory as Ever Present Past. Jie-Hyun Lim, Barbara Walker, Peter Lambert, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp.87-119.
- Ukraine between Russia and Europe: History Matters – Dossier of Analysis: Papers of the International Studies Center – CEI School of Social Sciences Universidad de los Andes (Bogota), No.5, June 2014, pp.3-15, http://cei.uniandes.edu.co/index.php/dossiers-de-analisis
- Review Essay: Putin’s wars – East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 2014, No.2.http://ewjus.com/ojs/index.php/ewjus/article/view/Kravchenko
- Россия + Крым: новая страна или архаика? (Russia + Crimea: a new country or archaic…?) http://texty.org.ua/pg/blog/nartext/read/53282/Rossyja__Krym_novaja_strana_yly_arkhayka http://rufabula.com/articles/2014/05/06/russian-crimea
- Украина после Януковича глазами историка (Ukraine after Yanukovych through historian’s eyes),
https://us-mg4.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=8rncvoklldcoo ;
Books authored
- Ukraïna, imperii͡a, Rosii͡a: vybrani statti z modernoï istoriï ta istoriohrafiï [Ukraine, Empire, Russia: Selected Articles on Modern History and Historiography; in Ukrainian] 542 pp. Kyiv: Krytyka, 2011.
- Kharkiv/Khar’kov: stolitsia pogranich’ia [Kharkiv/Kharkov: A Frontier Capital; in Russian]. 350 pp. Vilnius: EHU Press, 2010.
- “Poema vol’noho narodu”: Istoriia Rusiv ta ïï mistse v ukraïns’kii istoriohrafiï [“The Poem of a Free People” History of the Rus’ People and Its Place in Ukrainian Historiography; in Ukrainian]. 117 pp. Kharkiv: Osnova, 1998.
- Narysy z ukraïns’koï istoriohrafiï epokhy natsional’noho Vidrodzhennia (druha polovyna XVIII – seredyna ХІХ st.) [Studies on Ukrainian Historiography on the Period of National Revival (Second Half of the 18th– Middle of the 19th Centuries); in Ukrainian]. 295 pp. Kharkiv: Osnova, 1996.
- I. Bagalei: nautchnaia i obshchestvenno-politicheskaia deiatel’nost’ [D. I. Bahaliy: His Scholarly and Public Activity; in Russian]. 176 pp. Kharkiv: Osnova, 1990.
Books edited
- Engel, J.-Ch. History of Ukraine and Ukrainian Cossacks; in Ukrainian. 640 pp. Kharkiv, Fact, 2014.
- Bahalii, D. I. Vybrani pratsi. v 6 tomakh [Bahaliy, D. I. Selected Works in 6 volumes; in Ukrainian]. Vols. 1-6, Kharkiv: Golden Pages, 1999-2012.
- Konnelli, Dzhon. Polonenyi universytet: Sov’ietyzatsiia vyshchoï osvity u Skhidnii Nimechchyni, Chekhiï ta Polshchi, 1945-1956 [Translation into Ukrainian from the original: Connelly, John. Captive University: The Sovietization of East German, Czech, and Polish Higher Education, 1945-1956. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000]. 542 pp. Kharkiv: FOP Rybalka D.L., 2011.
- Janows’kyi, Ludwik. Kharkivs’kyj Universytet na pochatku svoho isnuvannia (1805-1820) [Ukrainian translation from the original Polish edition: Uniwersytet Charkowski w początkach swego istnienia (1805-1820), Craców, 1911, 235 pp.]. 423 pp. Kharkiv: Maidan, 2004.
- Petrovs’kyi, V.V. Ukraïns’ko-rosiis’ki vzaiemyny v suchasnii zakhidnii naukovii literaturi (1991-2001) [Ukrainian-Russian Relations in Contemporary Western Scholarly Literature (1991-2001); in Ukrainian]. 490 pp. Kharkiv: Maidan, 2005.
- Rommel, Christoph Dietrich, von. Spohady pro moie zhyttia ta mii chas [Reminiscences of My Life and Times; Ukrainian translation from the German edition of 1859.] 235 pp. Kharkiv: Maidan, 2001.