Author: Tetiana Boriak

Tetiana Boriak is a Candidate of Historical Sciences and a researcher at Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lithuania). She is the author of Oral History as a Source for Holodomor Studies: Formation of Eyewitness Testimony Collections and their Informative Value. Edited by Oleksandr Danylenko. Kyiv: TOV “Iurko Liubchenko”, 2024. 632 pp.; The Documentary Heritage of Ukrainian Emigration in Europe: The Prague Archive (1945–2010). [Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts]. Nizhyn: NDU “Mykola Hohol” Publishing, 2011. 542 pp.; and 1933: "And Why Are You Still Alive?" Edited by Tetiana Boriak. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of History of Ukraine. Kyiv: TOV “Klio” Publishing, 2016. 720 pages. She is the author of more than seventy academic and popular history articles and reviews. Boriak is a co-host and presenter of the educational program History with Meat. She is a Fulbright Fellow and worked on the “Testimonies” module of the MAPA Digital Atlas Great Famine Project. Her research interests include the Holodomor, oral history, archival and source studies, and genocide studies.

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