Edward Lucas Says We Will Be Very Lucky If the War Conflict in Ukraine Would Be Frozen For Next 10-15 Years

Edward Lucas Says We Will Be Very Lucky If the War Conflict in Ukraine Would Be Frozen For Next 10-15 Years


The world famous British journalist and writer of political essays, senior editor at ‘The Economist’ and author of ‘New Cold War’ best-seller had delivered the public lecture entitled ‘Russia and the Baltic’ on March 5, 2015 at the College of Europe, Natolin Campus in Warsaw, Poland.

Lucas mentioned that corruption is the most effective weapon of Kremlin which undermines the European Union from inside, making political and economic relationships between the United States of America and the EU worse.

Regarding the Baltic States the publicist emphasized that if Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania would be attacked by Russia and Article 5 of 1949 North Atlantic Treaty fails to work, that will be the end of NATO.

‘Further developments of war conflict in Ukraine show that we will be very lucky if it would be frozen for next 10-15 years’, Mr. Lucas says.

During the private interview journalist highly admired the effectiveness of Ukrainians in their counteraction to Russian propaganda. ‘We should learn the lesson from the excellent efforts that Ukrainians have made with things like StopFake. Russia mostly gets away with this, because we didn’t do anything’.

Edward Lucas considers that we need much better busting, an exposing the lies of Russian propaganda. ‘We can push back quite hard with anti-corruption investigations show how Putin is stealing from Russia people’, journalist says.

‘I think we have a lot to learn from Ukraine in Europe. You are the front line in the information war. Ukrainians speak, understand and write on Russia very well. And I would love to input some of the Ukrainian expertise into the wider propaganda information fallow we need in Europe’, Mr. Lucas resumes.


Text and photo by Iaroslav Denysenko

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies

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