Author: Olexiy Haran

Olexiy (Oleksiy) HARAN is a professor of comparative politics at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (UKMA). In 1991–93 he was the founding dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the revived Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (est 1632). Since 2002 he has served as the founding director of the UKMA School of Policy Analysis, and in 2015 he also became the research director at the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, a leading Ukrainian analytical and sociological think tank. He is a co-editor of Constructing a Political Nation: Changes in the Attitudes of Ukrainians during the War in the Donbas (2017), Ukraine in Europe: Questions and Answers (2009), and several other books. His latest book is Vid Brezhnieva do Zelens'koho: Dylemy ukraїns'koho politoloha [From Brezhnev to Zelensky: Dilemmas of Ukrainian a Political Scientist] (2021). Haran is frequently invited as a commentator in the Ukrainian and international media.

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