Video: “Maidan: The Church in the Public Square”

Video of a Seminar from the Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Cyril Hovorun, “Maidan: The Church in the Public Square”

Featured Image: Priest on duty during Euromaidan, December 2013. Photographer: Ivan Bandura


This seminar has focused on the role of the Ukrainian churches in the Maidan, which had a strong religious dimension. As mass protests developed in Kyiv in late 2013, representatives of Ukraine’s many churches were there in the square among the people, providing those in need with material and spiritual assistance. The building of a new Ukraine also entails the active participation of these churches on the “construction site.”

About the Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Cyril Hovorun

Archimandrite Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Cyril Hovorun, a priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, is a past chair of its Department of External Church Relations. He has been active in ecumenical dialogue among the churches in Ukraine and abroad. Fr. Hovorun teaches and does research on patristics, church history, ecclesiology, political theology, and the sociology of religion. He holds a candidate degree from the Kyiv Theological Academy and a PhD in theology from the University of Durham. He is the author of Will, Action, and Freedom: Christological Controversies in the Seventh Century (Leiden: Brill, 2008). Fr. Hovorun is currently a research fellow at Yale University, where he is working on a project about the church in the public square, focusing on the patterns of behaviour of the Eastern churches.

Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies

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